Date: December 11, 2024
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
Venue: Online, Microsoft Teams
The H2IOSC project is promoting a series of training events: H2IOSC Café. These sessions are designed to provide cross-training, collaboration and knowledge sharing between all research infrastructures involved in the project: CLARIN, DARIAH, E-RIHS and OPERAS.
The third appointment will focus on E-RIHS, specifically the Italian node, the leading research infrastructure of the H2IOSC Cluster, to present its activities to the other infrastructures involved in the project. The event will be held online in Italian and English.
Connect via Teams: [Join H2IOSC Café]

H2IOSC Café – Presenting E-RIHS, Detailed programme:
- Costanza Miliani – Welcome on behalf of the E-RIHS (5 min)
- Vania Virgili – E-RIHS on the path to becoming an ERIC (15 min)
- David Buti, Diego Quintero Balbás – E-RIHS catalogue of services: FIXLAB, MOLAB and ARCHLAB platforms (20 min)
- Q&A session (15 min)
Break (5 min)
- Alberto Bucciero, Matteo Greco – From data to knowledge preservation in Heritage Science: toward the implementation of the E-RIHS new platform “” (30 min)
- Antonina Chaban – HS Academy: training for the E-RIHS community and beyond (10 min)
- Q&A session (15 min)
- Wrap-up (5 min)
Join the H2IOSC Café to learn more about the Research Infrastructures involved in the H2IOSC project!